Presentation: Content Delivery for Tomorrow, From Vibrotactile Notifications to Mid-Air Displays

Monday 12/12/2016, 11:00 AM @HML 3rd Floor Jackson Hall, Queen's University

Professor Morten Fjeld
Head of t2i Lab,
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Abstract: The talk presents three projects in the field of emerging and alternative display techniques; the two first are in the field of haptic display, the thrid is in the area of mid-air display. The OmniVib projects presents some basic studies and principles to leverage cross-body vibrotactile notifications for mobile phones. The HaptiColor project deals with a more specific challenge, but the insights are bearing for a wider range of applications; to assist the colorblind, we employed a vibration wristband that enables interpolating color information as haptic feedback. As part of a more futuristic initiative, we present a map navigation concept using a wearable mid-air display. The projects presented have been carried out in collaboration with NUS Singapore and University of Maryland (UMD), College Park. 

Bio: Morten Fjeld's research activities are situated in the field of Human-Computer Interaction with a focus on tangible, mobile, and cross-device interaction. In 2005, he founded the t2i Lab at Chalmers. He holds a dual MSc degree in applied mathematics from NTNU (Norway) and ENSIMAG (France), and a PhD from ETH-Z (Switzerland). In 2002, Morten Fjeld received the ETH Medal for his PhD titled "Designing for Tangible Interaction". In 2004, Morten Fjeld became a faculty member of the Dept. of CSE, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. In 2011, he was a visiting professor at NUS (Singapore); in 2016 he was a visiting professor at Tohoku University (Japan). Since 2016, he is also an adjunct factuly member of the University of Bergen (Norway).